From Dreadlocks to University Chaplain: Young Adult Mission and Ministry Developer Announces Farewell
From Dreadlocks to University Chaplain: Young Adult Mission and Ministry Developer Announces Farewell, to take up post at Griffith University
Qld Lutherans seek Nurturing Worship, Meaningful Intergenerational Relationships and Spiritual Growth
The 2021 NCLS Survey is out, and it seems Queensland Lutherans are seeking nurturing worship, meaningful intergenerational relationships and spiritual growth.
The stream(ing) keeps flowing!
This week I was amazed to discover that 25 LCAQD congregations continue to deliver online worship content alongside face-to-face worship.
Seriously Out of Control!
David Spanagel never expected Coronavirus to bring to the surface some of the issues that have arisen in their ministry setting. Read on to see what they have learned.
Shed Happens, still happening
Shed Happens is still happening! Read about the surprising opportunities Shed Happens has experienced since going virtual during lockdown.
Blessed are the Peacemakers – A Life Changing Workshop
Previous attendee, Anna Kneen, shares her experience with the eye-opening, life-changing ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’ workshop and encourages all to attend.
3 Reasons YOU NEED to Attend the Brisbane Sent Conference
Brisbane Sent Conference 2019 is just around the corner. Here are some reasons why we hope to see you there …
Empathise with today’s young people: … step into the shoes of this generation.
Young people face three key questions. Who am I? Where do I fit? What difference do I make? Healthy churches respond to these questions through journeying with, listening to, and making time for.
Outback muster blesses Christians in the bush
‘God did something wonderful among us at the Muster, and we pray that this movement in the Spirit and truth of his Word will spread, helping to fill the void replaced by the shrinking footprint and decreasing resourcing of the organised church.’
Unlocking keychain leadership: empower others – especially young people.
Churches that grow young understand the importance of ‘giving keys away’ … not simply referring to keys to a car or building. They are keys to decision-making, to entrusting and to empowering.