Growing Vital Churches
Commission for Mission
The Commission for Mission exists to support, equip, empower and encourage congregations, departments and agencies of the LCA Queensland District to develop healthy disciple-making cultures within their communities.
We do this through collaborative relationships at the local, district and church-wide levels. Through conversations we seek to discern what God is already doing in our communities. We work closely with the LCA's Local Mission Department to provide support and resources to help us go and grow as Jesus' followers.
Director, Commission for Mission
David Schmidt
07 3511 4018
For more information, links and services, head to our contact page.
Resources for Mission
What does being church look like in the twenty-first century?
How do we as a faith community engage people with God's love in our everyday lives?
The resources below are thought starters to help your ministry space grow.
NCLS Research is a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Their website offers a variety of tools and resources suitable for church use.
Pivot Conversations
Pivot conversations' are opportunities to reflect on the impact of disruptions, what we are each learning, and what God might be doing among us and within us during challenging times.
- At the LCAQD Pastors conference 2020, participants took time to reflect on what they are noticing and learning. Here is a summary: 2020 A year to forget or an opportunity to connect discussion paper.
- The following tool is designed so you can work through it independently, but if you prefer we can facilitate it within your congregation: A planning tool to help your congregation prepare for 2021 (and beyond)
Bethlehem Coopers Plains member Emily Williams has produced a Workshop Guide to help Congregations. It uses scripture references to help them discern their God-given vision. Please contact if you would like the accompanying worksheets.
- Reflecting on videos by Rev Dr Bob Newton, Pastor David Schmidt invites us to consider how we understand ourselves as church, and the impact of this in the current century: Why 'It' No Longer Works
How does a Parish Board or Church Council ensure focus continues to be the 'main thing' especially with so many distractions around compliance and finances and programmes? This document poses rolling questions:
How is your church looking? Here are some vital signs of healthy, sick and dying churches:
- Autopsy of Deceased Church Summary by LCAQD
For more information contact:
Pastor David Schmidt
07 3511 4018
from the Commission for Mission.
- You can find an excellent overview by David Schmidt, of some recommended reading resources for Leaders, here.
- Mentoring teenagers and young adults to become leaders? The Fuller Youth Institute has published an excellent article entitled, "Creating a Culture of Keychain Leadership in Your Church".
- You can find some interesting statistics and information from the NCLS about young people, vision and innovation, here.
- See the "Growing Young" resources listed in the Engaging Young People subsection.
- Bring Jesus 2019: Making sense of mission, by Dr Steen Olsen
- Marks of a Healthy Church Reflection Booklet by LCAQD Commission for Mission.
Alpha Australia answers some of the most searched faith questions in Australia:
Reviewing the current culture of evangelism and our role in reaching out to this generation:
For Church Planting:
Sharing faith through our actions: The Lutheran Services Diaconal Witness Statement is here.
Here is a selection of resources you may find helpful for planning worship in your community, or for personal study, reflection and prayer.
You can read and download a copy of the Young Adult Ministry Report for 2022 here.
- There is an excellent online workshop that explores the themes identified in the Young Adult Ministry Report, during July/Aug 2022. Find out more information by downloading this flyer, or to download a promotional pack to share with your church audience including bulletin articles & PowerPoints, go to
Growing Church Young Booklet by LCAQD Commission for Mission, is based on concepts from Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, & Brad Giffin, "Growing Young" ver. 1. For more information you can visit the Growing Young Website here.
Two Christian researchers have been listening to the faith and life stories of young Australians. This 17 minute video gives an overview of what they are hearing:
Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) became legal in Queensland as of 1st January 2023. Rev Dr Russell Briese, Director, Chaplaincy and Ministry Development for Lutheran Services has prepared a paper for the LCAQD titled ‘Offering Pastoral Care to those seeking Voluntary Assisted Dying’.
Read the paper here.
Please contact Russell Briese with any questions:
Advice for managing Covid-19 Risks in Places of Worship
Queensland's COVID protocols are set at Green (baseline) Light. This means that there are low risks of community transmission.
According to the Queensland Government website, when the traffic light is green it is recommended that people
- stay home if you're sick
- keep up to date with your vaccinations
- maintain good hygiene
- take a rapid antigen test (RAT) if you get COVID-19 symptoms
- wear a mask if required by a healthcare provider, venue, or household.
Mask Wearing
There are no Public Health Directions in effect that require the wearing of facemasks. However, according to the Queensland Government website, business can still require masks to be worn in certain circumstances. For example
- your GP may ask you to wear a mask when in their waiting and consulting rooms
- a hospital may require you to wear a mask when visiting patients or in certain areas
- a carer may be asked to wear a mask when providing care to a vulnerable person.
Many higher risk (vulnerable) people attend our churches.
Holy Communion
Each congregation/parish should determine their own risk mitigation strategies when serving Holy Communion.
Be sensitive to those who feel vulnerable.
It is suggested but not mandated that
- those serving Holy Communion use sanitiser before distribution (gloves are not necessary)
- individual cups be available
- physical distancing continues to be practiced, where possible, for those participating in Holy Communion
- those serving Holy Communion may choose to wear a good quality mask to reduce the risk of infection (especially if they speak in close proximity to the person receiving the bread or wine), but this is not mandated. REMEMBER: this decision should be made in the context of the congregation's own risk mitigation strategy.
Routine cleaning includes
- Frequently touched surfaces, eg door handles, tea/coffee stations/ bathrooms should be cleaned with a minimum of detergent and water
- Consideration should be given to cleaning of hard-surface chairs and floors - if they have been frequently touched.
Further information, it is recommended to use the COVID-19 cleaning guidelines provided be Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
If Positive
If you get COVID-19:
- register your RAT result
- stay home until you’re well again
- use the healthdirect Australia COVID-19 Symptom and Antiviral Eligibility Checker
- wear a mask for 7 days after you test positive
- avoid visiting hospitals, aged care, or disability care for 7 days after you test unless you are receiving care
- ask household members to closely monitor symptoms.
Financial Support for Mission
Looking for ways to support the mission of the LCAQD?
Or do you have a great idea for bringing Christ’s love to life in your local community, and need a little funding support?
Here are some ways you can give or receive financial support for mission.
Does your congregation have a brilliant mission idea, but lacks the funds to get it off the ground?
Perhaps a grant can help you!
An Australia Mission Resources Grant of up to $5,000 will assist your church with resourcing its mission. You can apply for one of these at any time.
An Australia Mission Outreach Grant of up to $25,000 to kickstart your local mission project. Applications are submitted annually, with the successful congregation announced at our annual LCAQD Synod.
- LCAQD Mission Outreach Grant Information
- 2025 Mission Outreach Grant Application form
- Mission Outreach Grant Guidelines
You can view the LLL promotional video here.
For more information about these grants, follow the links above, then get in touch with Pastor David Schmidt:
07 3511 4018
- Would you like to financially support mission within the LCAQD, but don’t know where to start?
- Are you facing a congregational closure, and wondering how your heritage of sharing our Gospel hope might live on? Are you considering how to distribute funds from your bank account or sale of your property?
- Has your congregation noticed a mission opportunity within your local community? Could you do with some extra funding to make it happen?
As One Church, with One Purpose, and Many Ministries, every context and every congregation is unique. Our opportunities for mission vary, but we share our call to shine Christ’s light and we walk together in that call.
The LCAQD Mission Development Fund exists to support the missional development of Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District (LCAQD) congregations by helping to fund activities that enable congregations to engage people with God’s love in everyday life - within their local communities.
Grants from the fund complement LLL Mission Grant funding, allowing us as a Mission team to say ‘yes’ to supporting more mission projects. The fund rules quarantine any donations for LCAQD mission purposes, while allowing future leaders discretion about how best to use the funds for the purpose of Mission from time to time.
Three quarters of all donations are invested to produce ongoing income, while one quarter of all donations is available for immediate support of congregational mission projects.
Would you like to know more? Read the documentation:
230628 Mission Development Fund Rules FINAL.docx
Mission Development Fund Grants booklet.docx
Mission Development Fund Application Form
Then have a conversation with Pastor David Schmidt:
07 3511 4018
Milguy Lutheran congregation closed in 2018. In dispersing its assets, the congregation elected to earmark $10,000 to help rural (and/or remote) congregations who are no longer able to call a pastor to be supported by visiting pastors according to their needs.
Read more about the 'Milguy Fund' here:
Working together
Queensland is a great place to live – although not without adversity. Natural disasters, fire, drought, flood seem to be increasingly common. Yet one thing that is special is that Queenslanders know how to support each other in the midst of such adversity.
The LCAQD Commission for Mission partners with congregations and agencies to assist people in need due to drought, bushfire or flood, by helping to connect people and to spread the word about ways you can help.
How can I help?
- Pray for families under stress, for an end to the drought and protection from further flooding
- Let us know if you hear of someone who could use a hand
- Partner with a rural or disaster-affected congregation to visit, listen and encourage
- Offer free holiday accommodation for those affected by drought or other disasters
- If you have the appropriate skills, offer to farm sit or help rebuild
- Educate yourself and others
Drought Response
Read more about our LCAQD drought response. Make a tax deductible donation to assist those who have been affected by the Queensland drought. Donate
For more information email
Disaster Response
Queensland Lutheran Giving collects tax-deductible donations via its Australian Disaster Relief fund to assist those who have been affected by Queensland natural disasters as the needs arise.
Make a credit card donation: Donate
or contact our district office for instructions for EFT payment: Phone: 07 3511 4000
Get in touch
For more information or suggestions, or to ask about getting help please contact the Commission for Mission
or phone (07) 3512 7286
or our District Office: Phone: 07 3511 4000
LCAQD’s Queensland Lutheran Giving (QLG) has a heart for making a difference… reach out and connect with us.
QLG provides a mechanism to connect people who want to make tax deductible donations to support ministry and mission in Queensland with people who could do with a hand.
QLG operates five funds:
- Necessitous Circumstances Fund
- Scholarship Fund
- Australian Disaster Relief Fund
- Religious Instruction in Government Schools
- LCAQD Public Library
By setting up a project within one of these funds, LCAQD congregations and other agencies can offer their supporters the incentive of tax-deductibility as they support projects that make a difference in local communities.
To donate by Electronic Funds Transfer:
Credit card payment is our preferred donation method. We are also able to receive donations by EFT, but we need to ensure that we collect the necessary details from our donors. To donate by EFT, please contact us and we will guide you through our EFT payment process: Phone: 07 3511 4000
Or donate by credit card using this link:

Have a question?
The District Office is here to assist.