Growing Vital Churches

As a Lutheran church in Queensland, we support local Lutheran leaders to care for their communities that have been affected by natural disasters such as cyclones, bushfires and floods.
Our support may include running an Australian Taxation Office-approved appeal in response to a disaster-declared event.
At this time, we are waiting for advice about whether we have authority to proceed with an appeal in response to Tropical Cyclone Jasper.
However, you can make a tax-deductible donation to Queensland Lutheran Giving any time via the donation button above. Choose 'QLG - General Foundation Activities' from the drop-down menu.
To request assistance, or to find out more, please contact our District Office on 07 3511 4000 or email Please note that our office will be closed from Friday December 22, 2023 to Tuesday January 2, 2024. The Mission email address will be monitored during this time.
The Queensland Government has set up a Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for the areas affected by the flooding following Tropical Cyclone Jasper. This means that residents in the affected areas can apply for grants that provide immediate funding:
- Emergency Hardship Assistance Grant
- Essential Services Hardship Grant
- Essential Household Contents Grant
- Structural Assistance Grant
There are other grants attached to the DRFA and include grants to inspect buildings and reconnect essential services.
12 December 2023 Version 4 Activation Summary for Tropical Cyclone Jasper commencing 13 December 2023
19 December 2023 Version 5 Activation Summary for Tropical Cyclone Jasper commencing 13 December 2023
or check for updates: Queensland Reconstruction Authority
Queensland is a great place to live – although not without adversity. Natural disasters, fire, drought, flood seem to be increasingly common. Yet one thing that is special is that Queenslanders know how to support each other in the midst of such adversity.
The District Office is here to connect those in need with those who want to help:
- We offer phone and other support for local leaders.
- We communicate with our wider community (and are very grateful for the donations we often receive from throughout the LCANZ and beyond!).
- The Australian Disaster Relief Fund of Queensland Lutheran Giving uses your donations in two main ways:
- Local congregations can set up a project for quickly distributing funds in smaller increments (e.g. grocery vouchers).
- Individuals and businesses can also apply for cash assistance to help them regroup. The 'Apply for Assistance' button above links to the application form. These applications are verified by a local Lutheran leader and directed to
Need help making a donation? Contact Phone: 07 3511 4000
Need help setting up a project or applying for assistance? Contact David Schmidt: 0408 852 183 or Kathy Matuschka: 0460 604 827
We encourage you to:
- pray
- be gentle on yourself and those around you, as you never know what the impact of this might be
- if you are disaster-affected, reach out for help - don't do it alone
- check that people you know are okay
- seek updates from your city or regional council who are coordinators for disaster responses in your area
- pitch in with the clean-up as you are able
- donate to organisations that are providing relief. You can make a tax deductible donation to Queensland Lutheran Giving at any time by using this link. and selecting 'QLG - General Foundation Activities' from the drop-down menu. We will also promote specific appeals from time to time via this page and our other communications channels.
Our LCAQD congregations as well as agencies such as schools, early childhood centres and aged and community care services are part of their local communities, and so at the forefront of our responses in affected areas.
At the District Office level, we offer communication and coordination to encourage those who are affected and help get help to where it is needed most.
Once events are disaster-declared and we have Australian Taxation Office approval, we also run specific Queensland Lutheran Giving Disaster appeals. The collection and distribution of funds is governed by stringent internal and external processes.
If you would like to apply for financial assistance from Queensland Lutheran Giving, please contact our District Office on 07 3511 4000 or email
We endeavour to keep you as up-to-date as possible via:
- The information and communiques on this page
- Our Facebook page:
- Our LCAQD eNews. You can subscribe via this link.
along with communications produced by LCAQD Departments and local agencies for their audiences.
If you have updates to share, please contact our District Office Phone: 07 3511 4000
Credit card payment is our preferred donation method. We are also able to receive donations by EFT, but we need to ensure that we collect the necessary details from our donors. To donate by EFT, please contact our district offfice to be guided you through our EFT payment process: Phone: 07 3511 4000 (noting that the office will be closed between Friday December 2023 and Tuesday January 2, 2024.
Or donate by credit card using the button above.