Growing Vital Churches

- Final Synod Resolutions 2022
- LCAQD - Assurance Framework
- LCAQD - Board Appointments
- LCAQD - Culture of Church Together
- LCAQD - DCB and M&M
- LCAQD - Legal Landscape & Risk
- LCAQD - Letters Patent Migration
- LCAQD - Lutheran Education Queensland
- LCAQD - Lutheran Services
- LCAQD - Lutheran Youth Queensland
- LCAQD - Structural Reform
- LCAQD - Synodical Safeguards
In 2018 the LCAQD Synod approved District Church Council to develop an implementation plan to move towards a proposed governance model. Over the last few years representatives from all LCAQD agencies worked collaboratively on various elements of a new governance model which were presented to LCAQD Synod over the period of 2019 to 2021. This culminated in the Governance Advisory Committee (GAC) presenting a comprehensive and significant recommendation for forward-looking, agile, robust governance and assurance mechanisms for LCAQD and its members to Synod in 2022 and 2023.
Resolved that DCB approve that the Governance Transformation Committee and District Transformation Committee continue at the conclusion of the LCAQD Convention of Synod 2023 through to completion of the remaining structural reform activities, including the Property Trust Review, managed as co-funded projects of the LCAQD and its departments under DCB oversight and through the Office of the District.
DCB Resolution 23:194
The DCB has therefore, in September 2023, resolved to streamline the Governance Change Program and dissolved the Governance Transformation Committee (GTC). The District Transformation Committee (DTC) will now oversee the next phase of the Governance Change Program, including the detailed design and implementation of the structural changes from the Synod approved proposals.
In support of the final proposed structure the GCP will ensure the 11 governance change resolutions agreed to by 2022 Convention of Synod are implemented including Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District (LCAQD) to restructure into a company limited by guarantee, Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) and Lutheran Services (LS) move to companies limited by guarantee and the Ministry and Mission Department become a “Commission” of the District Church Board (DCB).
The GCP look forward to the significant outcomes and organisational change that will come through this project for the extension of God’s kingdom.
There will be ongoing communication and briefing sessions as the GCP deliverables progress.
Please see below GCP related communications:
District Transformation Committee (DTC)
The District Transformation Committee (DTC) are to execute work as resolved by the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District (LCAQD) District Church Board (DCB) as part of the governance change project.
The DTC is a time limited committee commissioned by, takes direction from, and reports directly to the DCB. Its scope of activities are unique and different to those pursued by the Governance Transformation Committee (GTC). It commenced in February 2023, and terminates upon LCAQD DCB receiving final DTC recommendations, and associated DCB directed deliverables and defined outcomes.
- Definition of, and DCB approved targeted outcomes and target timings.
- Scope, determine the priority of, provide DCB authority-based instruction regarding, and oversee the writing of the Constitutions and By-Laws for LS Ltd, LEQ Ltd and LCAQD Ltd. Confirm, baseline and, if required, redirect work completed to date.
- Oversee the migration activity of LCAQD, LS and LEQ incorporation.
- Engage with the LCANZ General Church Board (GCB) regarding pertinent impacts and authorities.
- Consult with stakeholders.
- Review LYQ in the context of LCAQD risk.
- Review, challenge, or affirmation of DCB endorsed Synodical Safeguards once core constitutional structure is established.
- Ensure interdependencies with other in-flight and planned LCAQD initiatives are managed.
- Other governance reform/transformation aspects to be identified, e.g. Assurance and Policy Frameworks.
- LCAQD Amendments to Governing Rules (LCAQD By-Laws)
- LS Ltd Constitution
- LEQ Ltd Constitution
- Department Migration activities
- LYQ Recommendation to Incorporate or remain as a Trust
- LCAQD Dictionary
- LCAQD Assurance Framework and exception framework with Strategic,
- Tactical, and Operational criteria and escalations policy/procedure
- LCAQD Policy & Procedure Framework with key P&P defined and their adherence enshrined within the constitution as is lawfully permitted.
- DCB sub-committee ToR’s
- Nominations & Appointments Committee
- Risk, Assurance, Finance & Continuous Improvement Committee
- Constitutions Committee
- LCAQD Office of the District ToR
- Stakeholder Engagement Plan
The District Transformation Committee will consist of the following members:
1. Voting Members:
Chair – First Assistant Bishop Rev. Ben Hentschke
Cheryl Dalton (DCB Appointee)
DCB Nominee – John Catford (DCB Representative),
Cheryl Steinhardt (LS Representative)
Gary Fulton (LEQ Representative)
The Bishop is invited to attend all meetings ex-officio.
2. Consultants:
- District Administrator – Trevor Ruthenberg
3. Support:
- John Hoffman – LCAQD Governance Change Project Manager
There are two key working parties established as below guided by DCB directly (to achieve Synod Resolutions):
District Property Review Project (PTR) – Chaired by Rev Ben Hentschke
District Resourcing Model Project (DRM) – Chaired by DCB Treasurer John Catford
Membership will come from across the LCAQD – DCB, district and department staff, departments' councils.
- In support of the final proposed structure ensure the 11 governance change resolutions agreed to by 2022 Convention of Synod are implemented.
- To resolve non-compliances regarding legislative, funding and regulatory demands in an expedient manner.
- To ensure that an appropriately resourced Office of the District be established to provide better support across the District to LCAQD missional and operational activities, including multiple project outcomes associated with the GTC.
- To align district assurances, safeguards, and policies (to the extent allowable by law), whilst supporting non-conflictory localisation.
- To bring currency to the LCAQD Constitution and By-laws B and recommend relevant updates to By-Laws Part A.
- To reinforce the protection of the LCAQD assets through the property trust review project including determining the charitable purposes and beneficial use arrangements, future trust and licensing terms, and cleaning up associated ABN’s.
- To enhance synodality through governance legitimacy and maturity in all layers of governance, enabled and supported by objective assurance mechanisms.
The District Church Board (DCB) appointed the District Transformation Committee (DTC) and DCB Working Parties to oversee the design and implementation of the recommended governance structure and proposal from Synod 2022 and 2023.

There will be ongoing communications through the LCAQD website, newsletters, meetings, briefings and other channels.
The GCP will establish a number of relevant departmental and stakeholder engagement and contribution opportunities and briefings.
The project is being jointly resourced and funded by the departments of the district in terms of membership/ invitee’s, stakeholder engagement, funding for project management and support, and through BAU activities.
The Governance Advisory Committee (GAC) was established in 2021 to deliver a proposal to Synod 2022 that would identify forward-looking, agile, robust governance and assurance mechanism for LCAQD and its members. The resultant mechanisms would position LCAQD to better deliver its’ purpose and mission and enhance its departmental focus on delivering their services with greater efficacy and confidence in ever changing environments.
The GAC outcomes and Synod 2022 Resolutions are included above in the section “GAC Final Synod Resolutions & Supporting Documents”
Please submit all queries to John Hoffman (Project Manager – Governance Change Project) on