FIRE, WIND, SILENCE: Holy Spirit Conference
The FIRE, WIND, SILENCE Conference is a response to the need for safe spaces where Lutherans can explore the Holy Spirit.
Save the date for Lutheran Education conference
Lutheran Education Australia is excited to invite you to the seventh Australian Conference on Lutheran Education (ACLE7).
This is a conference that is focussed primarily on children’s and youth ministry, however they are also including keynotes and electives for the broader church community.
Conference-Goers ‘Challenged and Inspired’ for Local Mission
More than 50 people re-considered their local neighbourhoods as mission fields during last weekend’s Cross-Cultural Ministry Conference.
Countdown to Close of Registrations!
The Grounded in Grace (formerly Ministry Summit) Conferences and the 2023 LCAQD Synod are almost here! Registrations are closing soon!
Synod and LCAQD Conferences
The District Pastors’ Conference, Grounded in Grace Conferences, and Convention of Synod will all be held within the same week.
Grounded in Grace LCAQD Conference Series (in conjunction with Pastors Conference)
This year the LCAQD Ministry Summit and District Pastors’ conference will be held in parallel, under the theme Grounded in Grace.
LCAQD Conference Series
This year the LCAQD Ministry Summit and District Pastors’ conference will be held in parallel, under the theme Grounded in Grace.
Inaugural Gathering of Communicators a Resounding Success
On Friday 14 October the LCANZ Communications National Network (CNN) gathered in Adelaide for its first CNN Conference.
Understanding Domestic Violence and Religion
‘Understanding Domestic Violence and Religion’ will be held in Melbourne at St Athanasius College on Friday 28 October, and online.