Lutheran Nurse of the Year Award
Nominations for nurse of the year have opened, and close at the end of March. They may be submitted by bodies and agencies within the LCANZ.
Vacancy: Church and Community Chaplain
Prince of Peace in Everton Hills, QLD is looking for a new worker to play a crucial role in growing and leading the well-being of our church.
Last Days! Cultivate Young Adult Leadership Program
Are you 18-25 years old and would like the opportunity to grow as a disciple of Jesus, building relationships and learning skills?
Way Forward – 8 Months to Go!
Be a part of this important conversation! Your input is needed. Sign up at www.lca.org.au/wf-signmeup
General Synod Lay Delegate Details & Proposals due 31 March
Parishes must have elected their delegate/s and returned the appointment form to the Secretary of the Church by 31 March 2024.
Lenten Devotional
Lutheran Tract Mission (LTM) has produced a Lenten Devotional (from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday) with the theme “Understanding Grace”.
World Day of Prayer
World Day of Prayer 2024 calls us to bear with one another in love despite all difficulties and oppression.
New ALC Principal Installed
Rev Dr Tim Stringer was welcomed as the new ALC Principal at St Michael’s congregation at Hahndorf, South Australia.
LYQ welcomes LLL – Partners in the Gospel
What a great joy and privilege to welcome LLL, as our Platinum Partner and guests at LYQ Luther Heights…
Oladi Pancakes for ALWS
St John’s Lutheran congregation, Kingaroy held a fundraiser meal of Oladi pancakes on Ash Wednesday, inspired by ALWS’ support of Ukraine.