A Tale of Three Women
As the women walked through the garden, they could not have known that they were about to witness the greatest event in history.
LTM Lent and Easter Resources
Lutheran Tract Mission has a number of Lent and Easter Resources available for use at ltm.org.au.
LCANZ Bishop Paul Smith’s Easter Message
LCANZ Bishop Paul Smith has shared an Easter message, entitled “Hope in the Midst of Hard Times.” You can read Bishop Paul’s message here.
Easter Hope Penetrates Humanity’s Deepest Darkness
Once again, humanity greets Easter amid ongoing conflicts and the displacement of people across the globe. Many suffer in the shadow of war, others are uprooted due to strife, and some face the aftermath of natural disasters, such as our community in Wujal Wujal.
Surprises on the Upside
Christianity is an inherently hopeful religion. Not because we are incurable optimists but because the negative has been lived, and overcome.
Making Family Rituals and Traditions this Lent and Easter
Family rituals and traditions are important to the health and wellbeing of today’s busy families. They promote a sense of identity and a feeling of belonging.
LTM Lenten & Easter Resources
Lutheran Tract Mission has a number of resources suited to this season. Click on the image for the full list.
He is going ahead of you! Hallelujah!
Easter Day is more than an historical event. Bishop Paul Smith reflects on the profound and encouraging words of the angel to the women at the empty tomb of Jesus, “he is going ahead of you.”
Finely tuned
Our world’s response to COVID-19 has finely tuned our ears to the messages of this Holy Week. Our ears are finely tuned to the experiences of our Lord Jesus … Our ears are also finely tuned to the “reason for the season” …