Partners in Peace Conference: 30th May
Please save the date for our 2024 LCAQD Collaborative Conference to be held on Thursday May 30 at Good Shepherd Lutheran College, Noosa.
ALWS Walk My Way is coming back our Way
ALWS Walk My Way is coming back our Way. Walk for Ukraine in Brisbane CBD! Save the date: Saturday 11 May, 2024, from 1pm until 5pm.
LTM Lent and Easter Resources
Lutheran Tract Mission has a number of Lent and Easter Resources available for use at
LCANZ Pastoral Care Program Launched
The College of Bishops, in conjunction with the Pastoral Care Working Group of the Way Forward Project, has launched a program to address pastoral care needs within the church.
LMA Badges Identified Among Stolen Goods
The Queensland Police Service have identified some Lutheran Men of Australia (LMA) badges among recently seized stolen goods.
LCANZ Bishop Paul Smith’s Easter Message
LCANZ Bishop Paul Smith has shared an Easter message, entitled “Hope in the Midst of Hard Times.” You can read Bishop Paul’s message here.
Qld Assistant Bishop joins General Church Board
First Assistant Bishop Ben Hentschke has been appointed to the LCANZ’s General Church Board (GCB) for the remainder of the synodical term.
LLL’s Strong Partnership with LCA and Schools Continues
The Lutheran Church of Australia and related entities such as Lutheran schools will have the opportunity to benefit from LLL’s decision to transition to a Religious Charitable Development Fund (RCDF).
Easter Hope Penetrates Humanity’s Deepest Darkness
Once again, humanity greets Easter amid ongoing conflicts and the displacement of people across the globe. Many suffer in the shadow of war, others are uprooted due to strife, and some face the aftermath of natural disasters, such as our community in Wujal Wujal.