Listening one another into free speech
For many of us, after a lifetime in the Scriptures and an eternity listening to sermons, it is tempting to think that we know what each passage is about.
Season of Creation Devotional is here
A new Season of Creation daily devotional has been produced by Queensland Churches Environmental Network (QCEN), a commission of Queensland Churches Together.
Hope Unlimited
You are my sure HOPE – the Rock on which you build Your church. I am glad of the HOPE you have placed in my heart…
Lutheran worship connects aged care residents – with God and each other
Two ladies in their 90s who recently moved into residential aged care with Lutheran Services in Queensland are enjoying new experiences and connections – spiritual and social.
Unity: A gift given to us in Christ
Unity is a gift. It has already been given to the church. We don’t need to come up with it. We don’t need strategic plans to attain it. Our unity is a gift given to us in Christ.
Our Community of Grace
As the son of a preacher who is the son of a preacher, church was always a major factor in my life. But I never felt at home, or at peace.
Let Peace be our Quest and Aim
‘The Rule of St Benedict’ is a wisdom document that was written over 1500 years ago yet it still has a lot to offer for our times.
LCAQD Synod Rhyming Reflection
LCAQD First Assistant Bishop Ben Hentschke shared this rhyming reflection at Synod, based on Colossians 3:15-17.
First Things First
We draw our collective breaths at atrocities committed on the world stage. When challenges occur closer to home however, the pain becomes personal.
Something New is Being Born
In church we are reminded that we are children of the light. However the peace from believing this has often eluded me.