Building a learning and leading culture in our congregations
Our goal is to enable anyone in the LCANZ to explore together with us how best to support each other in mission.
Uganda mission trip planning session
Immanuel Lutheran Congregation have begun planning for their next mission trip to Uganda in November/December next year.
Collaborative Mission Online Meetings
You are invited to explore what a culture that prioritises encouragement, inspiration and celebration of mission activities might look like in the LCANZ.
Faith and fear…leading in a conflict zone
Come and be inspired by Sophie Gebreyes, who leads your ALWS ministry in Ethiopia (home to 10 million Lutherans!)
Watoto Blessings
Members of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Buderim undertook another trip to Uganda in November 2023, after supporting Watoto since 2008.
Frontier School of Mission Online Sessions (NSW/ACT Time)
Frontier School of Mission is offering some online sessions, providing practical training for life and ministry today.
When Mission Fails
When it comes to mission it is not the failed attempts, the fizzled programmes, the hairbrained ideas or the poorly executed plan that will kill you.
LCANZ Cross-Cultural Grant Funds Successful Harmony Feast at Nazareth
Lutheran Church of Australia’s Cross-Cultural Minor Grant funds a multi-cultural, multi-generational community Harmony Feast.
Announcing the LCAQD Mission Development Fund
The LCAQD Mission Development Fund exists to support the missional development of LCAQD congregations within their communities.
Uganda Mission Trip
Interested in making a difference in Africa? Immanuel Lutheran Church Buderim is hosting its 7th mission trip to Uganda in November this year.