Ascended – beside me – always
How could the Lord Jesus appear behind closed doors? How could he keep his promise, “Surely I am with you always to the close of the age”? How can he… Read more
No One is an Island
During such unusual times, the cracks can show. Also, during such unusual times, important things can become more clear. During these times of isolation, we become acutely aware of our need to better connected with others.
What are you learning?
Are you surviving, thriving or experiencing a little of both? What attitudes or practices are you learning now, that you hope to retain beyond abatement?
Farewell Dr John ‘Joe’ Strelan
It is with much sadness that we acknowledge the death of Rev Dr John (Joe) Strelan who died on Saturday 25 April 2020 at Tweed Heads, NSW … Pastor Jim Strelan shares a tribute to his big brother.
From “In” School Training to “Online” School Training
With schools moving to remote learning this term, LYQ’s In School Training ministry has become “Online” School Training, and created new programs to support young people during this time.
Holding Our Heart
You really cannot miss the humanity of the disciples described in the various Gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus. The disciples were travelling a roller-coaster of emotions. Sometimes frightened. Sometimes doubting. Sometimes wondering. Sometimes inspired. Sometimes overjoyed.
Finely tuned
Our world’s response to COVID-19 has finely tuned our ears to the messages of this Holy Week. Our ears are finely tuned to the experiences of our Lord Jesus … Our ears are also finely tuned to the “reason for the season” …
Youth Group, Zoom and Donkeys
Before Covid-19, Good News Lutheran Church’s (GNLC) had a typical youth group, running games, excursions, and small group bible studies, but as regulations around physical distancing began to escalate, they realised they would have to adapt.
How are LCAQD churches connecting during COVID-19?
Congregations have had to quickly adapt to new social distancing measures, so we thought we would share some statistics of what happened throughout the LCAQD on Sunday March 29.
Now Thank We All Our God…
Bishop Paul shares the story of Martin Rinkart who served as a Lutheran pastor through an era of human history we call the “30 Years War” when over 1/3 of the German people died as a result of war and plague.