Here is Your God!
‘How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?’ The poet seems to be admitting that he does not know how to, in the midst of all that has changed in his circumstances.
“Let Us Hear”: An Invitation into Contemplative Spirituality
This year the theme for Synod, “Let us Hear”, was based on the parable of the Sower passage in Matthew 13:9. A range of contemplative worship practices were employed to better hear the voice of God.
The Life We Pictured
Today as I write this, I have a Ken doll (from the Barbie range) sitting in the front seat of my car with the seatbelt on. It is something that I had not really pictured would ever be in my life…
How can I Sing a New Song when I don’t have a Voice?
Within our Lutheran communities there are people who find it hard to speak, let alone sing. For some the restriction is temporary, while for others it is ongoing.
Qld Lutherans seek Nurturing Worship, Meaningful Intergenerational Relationships and Spiritual Growth
The 2021 NCLS Survey is out, and it seems Queensland Lutherans are seeking nurturing worship, meaningful intergenerational relationships and spiritual growth.
The Race Marked Out for Us
Following the Olympics, Eric Liddell kept running his Christian race. But what about us? Are we running ‘the race marked out for us’?
I Remember the Good Old Days – Part 3
I remember the good old days…but sometimes we old people need to remember that the good old days weren’t always that good.
I Remember the Good Old Days – Part 2
I remember the good old days…but sometimes we old people need to remember that the good old days weren’t always that good.
I Remember the Good Old Days (Part 1)
I remember the good old days…but sometimes we old people need to remember that the good old days weren’t always that good.
How do we navigate an uncertain future?
We have come to realise that things are not going back to the way they were. For many years now, the church has been wrestling with its place in our communities, our culture at large and within the lives of people that used to attend our services. All this was before 2020.