Pastor George Rosendale: Teaching Thanksgiving in All Circumstances
We commend to the Lord, our brother in Christ, Pastor George Rosendale, who passed at Hopevale Wednesday 11 September 2019. He was a pioneer Aboriginal Lutheran Pastor in Queensland.
Horizons Expanded
These ‘disruptive missional practices’ bring life and a sense of identity in times that seem chaotic: ‘dwelling in the word’ and ‘dwelling in the world’.
How long O Lord?
Asking our gracious Lord of heaven and earth to send rain for the blessing of the earth and for the blessing of all people.
Here Am I Lord – I Have Heard You Calling on My Name
What makes someone pack up their goods and chattels, and with their family and maybe pets, travel far away from home to study Lutheran theology in Adelaide?
3 Reasons YOU NEED to Attend the Brisbane Sent Conference
Brisbane Sent Conference 2019 is just around the corner. Here are some reasons why we hope to see you there …
Walking in the Most Colourful Way
It was the most colourful celebration of our common life as people of the Lutheran Church in Queensland. Walkers, young and old, came from all over our Queensland District.
A Rural Devotion – Holy Spirit in the Flames
Emerald is not the only rural congregation to sense the Holy Spirit stirring them into new things. Trinity Chinchilla Administration Assistant Rhonda Bruggemann reflects on the effects of fire…
Be the Best Neighbours
What does it mean to be a good neighbour? To hear that question, it is often very easy to think about what ‘the neighbour should be doing’ to/for you. But what about you?
One Small Step… of Faith
In this era of the 50th Anniversary of the Lunar landing, many stories of Christian witness have been reminded to the people of the world.
Prioritise Young People (and families) Everywhere!
Prioritise young people (and families) everywhere: instead of giving lip service to how much young people matter, look for creative ways to tangibly support, resource, and involve them in all facets of your congregation.