Applying Ginger Nuts to Our Mission
You might be surprised to learn that there is no single variety of the famous Arnotts’ Ginger Nut biscuits. As the Arnotts Company makes its Ginger Nut biscuits considering each ‘regional culture’ of Australia, so too, we people of the Church of Jesus Christ, are sent to bear the Gospel to others.
Passing it on
I encourage the local delegates of our District to consider joining me in the journey of stepping aside in two years, and raising up younger delegates to represent the people.
Fueling a Warm Community Over Cool Worship or Programs
Fuel a warm community: instead of focussing on cool worship or programs, aim for warm peer and intergenerational friendships.
Called To Hold Lightly
I have notified the District Church Board chair Shiron Dixon, Bishop Paul Smith and also the principal of Redeemer Lutheran College, Tanya Crooks that God has led me to accept the call issued by Convention of Synod.
Take Jesus’ Message Seriously
Luther was strong on the gospel. When he discovered that God was for him, no matter what, that what Jesus had done on the cross was enough – and that he was made right with God through what Jesus did, it turned his life around.
Praise the Lord!
At the District Synod in Ipswich this year, the delegates learned about the connection between my Dad and the way in which I sometimes casually say the words, “Praise the Lord”.
Ministry Summit Enhances Connecting Communities
“I’ve learnt that there are many areas of the LCAQD that are doing really great work in spreading the love of God. This has been very encouraging to hear.”
Empathise with today’s young people: … step into the shoes of this generation.
Young people face three key questions. Who am I? Where do I fit? What difference do I make? Healthy churches respond to these questions through journeying with, listening to, and making time for.
Synod: A common path with a common purpose…
‘Synod’ is a not a common word in our culture, but as a word to describe our life as God’s people in the mission of God we call ‘the Church’, the word ‘synod’ has deep meaning and profound opportunity.
The Good Shepherd declares …
We are familiar with our Lord Jesus saying, “I am the Good Shepherd” and this is a well-loved and well-known image for God. But why is the ‘portico of Solomon’ mentioned in this passage?