Orana Origins Story
Rodney Patch shares his involvement in the collation of the history of Orana Aged Care, resulting in the Orana Origins Story.
El Niño: A Time to Love our Neighbour
The announcement of an El Niño brings with it a complex mix of emotions. But El Niño also brings with it a reminder to care for one another.
Season of Prayer 2023
Each year the Local Mission department facilitates a Season of Prayer, inviting congregations of the LCANZ to pray.
R U OK Day, Thursday 14 Sept
R U OK? has released resources, to help you drive genuine change in your community, as a reminder that every day is a day to ask, R U OK?
Organ Fireworks!
Presented by St Luke’s Anglican Church Toowoomba and the Organ Society of Qld, you’ll thrill to this concert of spectacular organ music!
Lutheran Media Free Will Offer
Lutheran Media has partnered with Gathered Here, to give supporters access to a FREE online will, with unlimited updates for life.
Pastor Greg Priebbenow Installed
Grace Church Redcliffe are rejoicing at the installation of Pastor Greg Priebbenow on 2nd September. Congratulations Greg, and our prayers are with you as you serve Him!
Lutheran Tract Mission New Resources
Lutheran Tract Mission has 46 fresh news tracts available to view and download, both seasonal and targeted to specific audiences.
LEQ and LCAQD Office Phone Issue
A power surge last week has damaged the Level 2 and 3 phone systems. We are currently unable to receive external calls or phone out on landline phones.