Call for Nominations
The LCAQD is calling for nominations from suitably qualified persons, for positions on the District Church Board and Risk Audit and Finance Committee.
Lutheran Nurse of the Year Award
Nominations for nurse of the year have opened, and close at the end of March. They may be submitted by bodies and agencies within the LCANZ.
DCB Membership Changes
The DCB has announced a number of resignations and new appointments to its membership since Synod 2022 and called for people within the LCAQD to consider nominating for a position on a governing body.
Nominations for Boards, Councils and Committees of the LCAQD. If not you, then who?
The Nominations Committee Report to Synod 2022 includes a list of current and continuing members of LCAQD Board, Councils and Committees. It also shows where there are vacancies. The following… Read more