SUMMER CLW NEW Christian Life Week Camp
Christian Life Week (CLW) is a five day camp for high school aged students that is centred on an unforgettable experience of faith, friendship and fun.
LYQ Summer Kids Camp
Kids Camp is a five day adventure for children in Grades 3-6 (in 2022) at our spectacular Luther Heights Youth Camp, Coolum Beach.
LYQ Summer Camps: Lock in Your Summer Fun!
LYQ’s summer camping season is almost here, and guarantees to be packed with fun!
LYQ Director Announces Farewell
LYQ Director Announces FarewellLYQ Director, Aaron Glover, has announced that he will be leaving his position in November this year.
LYQ Brisbane Appeal Dinner
LYQ invites you to join us on Saturday 27 May 2023 as they celebrate all that God is doing through our ministry and we partner in growing that influence further!
LYQ Brisbane Appeal Dinner 2023 – Save the Date!
It’s a long way off but LYQ would love to see you at next year’s Brisbane Appeal Dinner, to be held at the stunning venue The Marquee at Victoria Park!
Spring CQ CLW & Junior Springboard Camp Registrations are Open!
Spring CQ CLW & Junior Springboard Camp Registrations are Open but there’s only three weeks left to register!
LYQ Winter Wrap Up
LYQ are blessed to have an incredible group of dedicated volunteer leaders that are vital to their camps being such a success.
Events Assistant, Lutheran Youth of Queensland
LYQ is seeking to appoint a part-time (0.4FTE) Events Assistant to work within their Events team.
Looking for simple, genuine and real
In their unrelenting focus on Love, Connection, Community, and Discipleship, this generation of young adults is looking for significant life and faith connections both with each other and with older and more mature adults.