Journey through the 12 days of Christmas
The LCAIM booklet, ‘Joy to the World – 12 Days of Christmas’, shares insights into how our partner countries and churches celebrate Christmas.
Pray Through May!
Pray Through May is an invitation to join members of the LCANZ as they intentionally spend time cultivating communities of prayer.
Teaching and Library Volunteers Needed
LCA International Mission is urgently seeking volunteer online teaching support and library support for Cambodia and PNG.
Last Days! Cultivate Young Adult Leadership Program
Are you 18-25 years old and would like the opportunity to grow as a disciple of Jesus, building relationships and learning skills?
LCAIM Christmas Booklet
LCAIM’s ‘Joy to the World – 12 Days of Christmas’ booklet shares insights into how Christmas is celebrated among partner countries.
Your Missionaries at Work!
LCA International Mission works with partner churches overseas to take the good news about Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth.
Soul Food Cookbook: A Delicious Way to Support LCAIM!
LCA International Mission has published Soul Food, a book with 23 delicious recipes from all over Asia. Buy your copy today and support the work of LCAIM!
LCAIM Online Monthly Prayer
You are warmly invited to gather online once a month in prayer with others across Australia, New Zealand and among our partner churches.
LCA International Mission Lenten Devotional
LCA International Mission 40 Days of Prayers and Devotions for Lent are your for free, just by clicking on the image link.
Joy to the World – 12 Days of Christmas
LCA International Mission has prepared a new resource for families for this Christmas, the ‘Joy to the World – 12 Days of Christmas’ booklet.