Shouting Stones join us!
Palm Sunday is known throughout the world as the day we celebrate our Lord Jesus coming into Jerusalem. Bishop Paul Smith writes about the focus of Palm Sunday: declaring our King is here!
It is not easy to explain Lent!
Lent is such a difficult season of the Church year to explain to people who do not know the story of Jesus. Bishop Paul Smith shares a message about the heart of the Lenten Season.
In the valleys the Lord travels with us!
We yearn for mountain top experiences. The good news of Jesus explains that he will always be present with us in the highs and lows of life. Bishop Paul Smith writes on the story of the Transfiguration and the hope this brings to the human heart.
Christmas is Good news of GREAT joy!
Christmas is Good news of GREAT joy! Bishop Paul Smith highlights a wonderful word in the message of the Angel to the Bethlehem Shepherds, good news of GREAT Joy.
Singing your heart to the Lord, during Advent
Let’s sing to the Lord with hope. Bishop Paul Smith reflects on two contemporary Christians songs that taught him the meaning and heart of the Christian festival of Advent.
The King who rules the Servant Kingdom
Bishop Paul Smith points to the surprising “unexpected upside down” Kingdom that is ruled over by our Lord Jesus. His power is shown in weakness and his strength is in serving. That is not how mighty kings are portrayed in movies!”
Come Lord Jesus, come, into this weary world
Advent and Christmas 2020 will be unlike any other in living memory. Bishop Paul writes his encouragement for Christians to get ready to eagerly share the life-giving hope-filled Good News of Jesus Christ during this Advent Christmas Season.
Voting to the Glory of God
It is election time here in Queensland. Bishop Paul Smith reveals how one short line from the General Prayer of the Church in our Lutheran Liturgy, gives good guidance for deciding who to vote for.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. (Psalm 150)
“Give thanks in all circumstances”. Bishop Paul Smith reflects on how God’s “signature” of the cross reminds that God is gracious and merciful and is active and present in the world.
The Lord the builder…
Our Lord Jesus said, “I will build my Church.” Bishop Paul Smith reflects on the great encouragement that this brings to our Christian service, especially through times of uncertainty.