2025 LCAQD Synod Art Competition
Entry to the 2025 LCAQD Convention of the Synod Art Competition is now open! Entrants must consider the Synod theme in their submissions.
Register for Walk My Way Brisbane
Join us to thank God for our Lutheran Church’s 75 years of ALWS ministry to those the world has forgotten!
Got recycling?
Got recycling? Help by doing something good with your empties! Your refund can be used to support Lutheran Youth of Queensland.
CSS action plan due 31 March
If they haven’t already done so, all LCA congregations should now be preparing their round 2 Child Safety Standards Action Plan.
Telstra retraction
The LCAQD was recently advised of the restructuring and closure of some Telstra services. This information has now been determined to be incorrect.
Video resources developed by Bishop Paul Smith
LCANZ Bishop Pastor Paul Smith has developed a number of video resources on questions about ordination which are available to view.
Seasonal resource planning
All the resources you need for the current season of Epiphany, and the upcoming Lent/ Easter season are available on the worship planning page.
Free to good home!
A Lutheran Services staff member had a grandfather die recently who made many wooden pieces for his congregation and retirement communities.
In Memoriam: Hubert Krenske (20/5/1944–11/1/2025)
In memoriam: Hubert Krenske was born on 20 May 1944 and died on 11 January 2025. Hubert served extensively across Queensland parishes.
The Paraments of Gin Gin
It was in early 1952 that my mother Clara Matilda Zillmann decided to crochet an altar cloth for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church at Wallaville.