Praise the Lord!
At the District Synod in Ipswich this year, the delegates learned about the connection between my Dad and the way in which I sometimes casually say the words, “Praise the Lord”.
Synod: A common path with a common purpose…
‘Synod’ is a not a common word in our culture, but as a word to describe our life as God’s people in the mission of God we call ‘the Church’, the word ‘synod’ has deep meaning and profound opportunity.
The Good Shepherd declares …
We are familiar with our Lord Jesus saying, “I am the Good Shepherd” and this is a well-loved and well-known image for God. But why is the ‘portico of Solomon’ mentioned in this passage?
I am sending you …
When the Risen Lord Jesus met his disciples behind those closed doors, he brought them deep joy and then sent them to be his witnesses to this good news.
Even fragile faith has a firm foundation in what our Lord has done for us
Each of the characters of the Good Friday and Easter story is confronted with the same human emotions that you and I know … I pray that you would find yourself in the story this year.
How to live “quiet and peaceable lives”! Pray for your leaders.
It was a great privilege to be invited to be the guest speaker at the “Queensland Parliamentary Christian Breakfast” on the morning of Tuesday, April 2nd. This was kindly arranged… Read more
Lamb of God, grant us your peace
Once again we have heard of violence against innocent men, women and children, this time in Christchurch, New Zealand. Again, we come to the Lord of the cross and cry out:… Read more