Dalby Pastor awarded National Emergency Medal
Pastor Joel Pukallus has been presented with the National Emergency Medal for his role during the “Black Summer” bushfires of 2019-2020.
Servant of Christ Award
The Servant of Christ Award honours LCANZ lay people for outstanding service. You are invited to submit nominations for the award.
Lutheran Nurse of the Year Award
Nominations for nurse of the year have opened, and close at the end of March. They may be submitted by bodies and agencies within the LCANZ.
Founding Headmaster of Grace Lutheran College Awarded OAM
Fred Stolz was awarded an Order of Australia Medal as part of the Australia Day Honours List, in recognition for his services to education.
Queensland Lutheran Nurses honoured
Two Lutheran Nurses were again honoured by the Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia (LNAA) to mark International Nurses Day (12 May).
The Lutheran Nurse of the Year for 2021 is Wayne Kroker, of Nundah, Queensland. Shirley Klinge, of Laidley, Queensland, was honoured with Life Membership of LNAA