Farewell Dennis!
At the end of 2021, after five years of outstanding Christian Service as Executive Director of Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) and almost nine years prior to that as Assistant Director, Dennis Mulherin will be stepping down from the role. As Executive Director for the schools of our District Dennis has been a true servant leader. He has brought to the role an unmatched work ethic.
Dennis has made supporting our Churches’ schools his number one priority. Each Principal, current and past will have their own story of Dennis’ support, wisdom, clear thinking, compassion and encouragement as they’ve dealt with challenging issues in their schools. In those moments Dennis has found the right balance between support and empowerment for our Principals and School Councils. Each Principal that has come into contact with Dennis are better leaders, and I believe better people because of his leadership.
Under Dennis’ leadership the balancing of enhancing ‘systemness’ against individual school needs, has been effectively held in the right tension, allowing both the System and individual schools to flourish. During his tenure Dennis demonstrated significant business and organizational development acumen to drive our schools forward. The performance of our schools in this space is absolutely essential to them being able to deliver Christ-centred educational excellence today and into the future.
Under Dennis’ stewardship the governance of our schools has been strengthened. There has been a significant step up in the sophistication of our governance both at the CLEQ and individual school council level as a result of Dennis’ work in this space. Dennis has combined the business of things with educational leadership necessary to take Lutheran Schools forward. The current CLEQ strategy, led by Dennis and which was collaboratively developed has meant that we have been piloting innovative models of education. This work has been pioneering and has helped to ensure that Lutheran Schools remain at the forefront of education in this state.
Dennis has created an environment where schools are encouraged to innovate, to take chances, to try new things as part of a vision of ‘inspired learning for life’. The way that some of our regional schools have delivered Senior Secondary is evidence of this. It is in crisis that true leaders are forged and Dennis’ Leadership throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic provided our school communities with reassurance, courage and clarity during this unprecedented time. He provided the right amount of support combined with empowerment at the local level to guide us through those days and months.
So much more could be said but space does not permit it – however Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:23 aptly sums up Dennis service to our schools – ‘Well Done Good and Faithful Servant’. Dennis steps and takes up the role Principal Secondary School at Concordia Adelaide at the beginning of 2022.
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