LYQ Farewells Helen Mibus as she Retires
LYQ Farewells Helen Mibus as she Retires
Helen Mibus has faithfully served God through the role of Business Manager for Lutheran Youth of Queensland (LYQ) for more than 15 years, starting in a paid role in 2007 after 25 years of voluntary service.
In those initial 25 years Helen was the Treasurer of the Norwin Lutheran Youth Group and then the LYQ Darling Downs zone, going on to becoming its President. That role was given a position on the LYQ Executive as a Regional Representative.
From 1988 to 1991 she was also the Secretary of Lutheran Youth of Australia. During that time she joined the Luther Heights Youth Camp Management committee and later on became their Treasurer. This role evolved into the LYQ Business Manager role, looking after the accounts for both Luther Heights Youth camp and LYQ.
In 2016 Helen was elected to LCAQD District Church Council, a position she held for three years.
“When I started, all bookings were manually processed on paper for LYQ holiday camps. With (husband) Phil’s help and IT knowledge we transformed our systems to manage bookings online. This booking system continues to be used for LYQ holiday camps but is also used for LCAQD Synod, and a number of interstate youth organisations,” Helen explained. Phil will be slowly wrapping up his role of volunteer IT support for LYQ over the next few months.
We thank and praise our Lord for Helen’s years of service and employment and also for the enormous contribution of knowledge and time husband Phil has made to Luther Heights, LYQ, and the broader LCAQD. It is with deep gratitude we honour and recognise them both for their loyal and dedicated professional service and heart to invest hope into the lives of young people through the ministries of LYQ. Helen and Phil, we thank you and wish you joy as you enter this new phase of your lives together!