Horizons Expanded
Last week, 17 pastors, lay workers and other leaders, representing 10 congregations of the LCAQD, gathered in the Adelaide Hills for the second annual LCA Local Mission New Horizons Conference.
Mainstream Christianity in Australia appears to be in numerical decline, and this naturally makes us anxious. At the conference we were challenged to reimagine the changes that concern us as a necessary ‘creative destruction’. We focused on two ‘disruptive missional practices’ that bring life, a sense of identity and insight into what God may be doing through times that seem chaotic:
- ‘Dwelling in the word’: as each of us makes space to listen to God’s word, the fruit of the Holy Spirit grows within and among our communities; and
- ‘Dwelling in the world’: prioritising relationships over programs so we can observe what God is already doing within those we meet and be ready to respond in Christian love.
It was great to meet other like-minded people and hear how God is stirring and equipping us throughout the LCA and beyond. By gathering in worship, prayer, learning, and story-sharing we could appreciate the variety of missional gifts and opportunities we have within the LCA.
Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide those who are pioneering in our District, including:
- Church plants in Arise, Springfield, and Beyond, Griffin;
- The newly constituted Queensland Asian Congregation and their outreach among immigrants and people in Australia on temporary visas;
- Congregations being shaken up through numerical limitations (people and finances) that they will have the confidence to make the difficult decisions needed;
- Local Lutheran agencies exploring new ways to work collaboratively in mission;
- People quietly connecting with those who don’t know Jesus, and sharing God’s love through their actions and words.
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT church, community, fellowship, God's word, gospel, LCAQD, mission, prayer