ALC: Removing Barriers to Study
ALC: Removing Barriers to Study
Australian Lutheran College (ALC) exists to serve the ministry and mission of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ).
You may not be aware of it, but there is no longer a need to be in Adelaide to study with ALC. Our distributed learning model means that all students now learn from where they live, and where possible, ALC provides opportunities for students to physically gather for mutual encouragement and learning through workshops and intensives. Our learning community consists of students from across the LCANZ, like Lauren and Adam, who are being equipped to serve in a range of different ministry capacities through their studies at ALC.
Lauren Krenske 
Lauren grew up in Queensland and has been a member of the Lutheran Church all her life. She became a teacher because she was inspired by the excellent teachers she had during her own schooling, who connected with her and encouraged her to do her best. Her teaching career to date has included positions at Bethania Lutheran Primary School, Redeemer Lutheran College and most recently, at Lutheran Ormeau Rivers District School (LORDS), where she serves as the Pastoral Care Coordinator for Years 7-9.
I am currently studying a unit through ALC as part of LEA’s Leadership Development Program but over the past 3 years have also completed a number of professional development offerings through ALC. I have learnt a lot from these courses, which have helped me develop as an educator and leader.
Adam Morris
Adam is a candidate in the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program who is currently serving in two congregations across Adelaide, while completing his theological studies part-time. He has spent the past 20 years working as a church worker in various roles within the Lutheran Church. In fact, you may have even met him when he was working for the LCANZ Church Worker Support Department a few years ago. It was during this time that he became aware of congregations struggling to fill pastor vacancies and became aware of the SMP program. It was also during this time, that his mother passed away from cancer.
My mother had openly shared with me, her belief that I would make a good pastor. When she died, this memory triggered something inside of me and I subsequently decided to enter a period of discernment to see if pastoral ministry was for me. With the support and encouragement of my manager at the time, I enrolled part-time in studies at ALC. At the same time COVID happened and more opportunities for online study became available through the College.
In 2022 Mawson Lakes Community Church were seeking expressions of interest from SMPs.
I was familiar with the use of SMPs in regional and church planting communities but not in the city and felt that God was inviting me to use this opportunity to gain an understanding of parish ministry. At the same time, my home congregation, Our Saviour Lutheran Church at Aberfoyle Park was entering a period of vacancy, and they were also interested in engaging an SMP. I now serve both congregations on a part-time basis.
I have found study at ALC to be both challenging and encouraging. I am particularly thankful that ALC has adjusted its learning model so that I can now access all my classes online and fit in study around work and family commitments. The online environment has allowed me to meet students, not just from Australia, but from all over the world and hear what amazing things God is doing in their churches and faith communities.
If you would like to know more about study at ALC visit our website ( or email Enrolments are currently open for Semester 2.
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