ReforMission – Living in Mission (Part 4 of 4)
Why is it that some communities are effective in their mission and others seem to constantly struggle?
The gift of manger hands
Many people know a familiar hymn once sung regularly at confirmations: “Take thou my hand and lead me.”
Caboolture enters the SPLICE Age
St Paul’s Lutheran Church at Caboolture is one of eight LCA congregations to receive the LCA’s ‘Have a Go!’ financial grant, sponsored by the LLL.
A ministry of presence: reflections on aged-care chaplaincy
Age-care chaplains in Lutheran Services are sometimes referred to as ‘architects of community’, as they help people maintain important connections and create new ones.
ReforMission – Engaging with a Changing Culture (Part 3 of 4)
I remember listening to a high school speaker talk about the relationship between cause and effect.
A Kingdom of Care
The most profound description of the way that “King Jesus” rules over us, is discovered in the parable of the “sheep and the goats” in Matthew 25.
ReforMission – Engaging with a Changing Culture (Part 2 of 4)
In his book “Didn’t See it Coming” Carey Nieuwhof writes “when the speed of change around an organisation is faster than the speed of change inside the organisation, the organisation becomes irrelevant.”
Tribute to a friend – Pastor James Haak
As I turn the soil, ready to plant my summer vegetable garden I have a reminder of my friend James Haak.
Good Lord, deliver us …
My first computer game had a profound message embedded in it. The game was called “Patton Strikes Back”.
Taking it to the top
When St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Yandilla, closed its doors on 12 August, it provided an opportunity to help three congregations more than 2000 kilometres away.