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This year the LCANZ celebrates 75 years of serving the most vulnerable through the ministry of Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS).
Fear shuts doors; it speaks too soon or cannot say; knows what it cannot; hardens hearts to truth and clenches fists to fight…
Walk My Way Brisbane – Save the Date for our next Walk My Way, on Saturday 10 May 2025 at QUT Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane City!
During the Advent and Christmas seasons, we are reminded that God comes to us in the flesh because he loves all people without distinction.
The second Sunday in Advent is set aside in Emerald as the St John’s Sunday School Christmas program, a time which brings together extended families of all stages in life.
Grants of up to $100,000 will be made available to go towards the maintenance and restoration of old Lutheran churches and buildings.
Langmeil Winery has made a wine called Altruist, and partnered with LYQ with the intent of giving back to communities.
As we enter the season of Advent, we are invited to pause and reflect amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.
After 58 years of faithful and loving service, Grace Lutheran Creche and Kindergarten will close its doors at the end of the year.
For eight decades, Lutheran Media has been providing Christian content for broadcast on radio stations in Australia and New Zealand, sharing hope in Jesus.