DMMF Recordings Now Available
Recordings of the individual DMMF sessions are now available for you to watch at a time convenient to you.
LYQ’s Online Camp Recap
Lutheran Youth of Queensland ran its first ever Junior and Senior Online Camps over the holidays in order to connect with young people even during covid-19 restrictions.
From “In” School Training to “Online” School Training
With schools moving to remote learning this term, LYQ’s In School Training ministry has become “Online” School Training, and created new programs to support young people during this time.
Youth Group, Zoom and Donkeys
Before Covid-19, Good News Lutheran Church’s (GNLC) had a typical youth group, running games, excursions, and small group bible studies, but as regulations around physical distancing began to escalate, they realised they would have to adapt.
Church online: a story from Peace Gatton
Our first story of how a LCAQD congregation is maintaining community worship, discipleship and fellowship while not able to meet in person.
Models of faith connection during COVID19
How do we engage with each other and the proclamation of the gospel during such a time of crisis? Worship is God coming to us (incarnationally) to heal, equip, empower and encourage us in our day-to-day mission!
Walk My Way Following Footsteps
In a very, real way, the “Walk my Way” journey follows the example of these early Queensland Christian workers who came to reach out in love to their neighbour, to serve in the name of Jesus.
Be the Best Neighbours
What does it mean to be a good neighbour? To hear that question, it is often very easy to think about what ‘the neighbour should be doing’ to/for you. But what about you?
Prioritise Young People (and families) Everywhere!
Prioritise young people (and families) everywhere: instead of giving lip service to how much young people matter, look for creative ways to tangibly support, resource, and involve them in all facets of your congregation.