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It was the most colourful celebration of our common life as people of the Lutheran Church in Queensland. Walkers, young and old, came from all over our Queensland District.
Staff, families, educators and the Bethesda Lutheran Church community all came together on Sunday 4 August 2019 to celebrate 40 years of providing excellent care and education for the children of Beenleigh Family Day Care.
Emerald is not the only rural congregation to sense the Holy Spirit stirring them into new things. Trinity Chinchilla Administration Assistant Rhonda Bruggemann reflects on the effects of fire…
What does it mean to be a good neighbour? To hear that question, it is often very easy to think about what ‘the neighbour should be doing’ to/for you. But what about you?
In this era of the 50th Anniversary of the Lunar landing, many stories of Christian witness have been reminded to the people of the world.
Prioritise young people (and families) everywhere: instead of giving lip service to how much young people matter, look for creative ways to tangibly support, resource, and involve them in all facets of your congregation.