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Might this be an opportunity for Australian followers of Jesus to reflect on what is truly important in our mission and witness of the Gospel, and to find new ways in which to engage with our community?
How could the Lord Jesus appear behind closed doors? How could he keep his promise, “Surely I am with you always to the close of the age”? How can he… Read more
During such unusual times, the cracks can show. Also, during such unusual times, important things can become more clear. During these times of isolation, we become acutely aware of our need to better connected with others.
Are you surviving, thriving or experiencing a little of both? What attitudes or practices are you learning now, that you hope to retain beyond abatement?
You really cannot miss the humanity of the disciples described in the various Gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus. The disciples were travelling a roller-coaster of emotions. Sometimes frightened. Sometimes doubting. Sometimes wondering. Sometimes inspired. Sometimes overjoyed.