Engaging people with God's love in everyday life
The Christian Church engaging with and responding to society’s call for better support and dignity for those who are dying.
Attitudes towards what constitutes ‘a good death’ have changed over the past century. Technological advancements in medicine have shifted the way people die, from a church-led focus, through to the birth of the hospice movement and on to the modern discipline of palliation.Advancements have also led a shift in society’s attitudes towards Voluntary Assisted Dying.
This symposium will ensure attendees come away with an awareness of these issues, an update on the nature of the question and a reflection on theological, clinical, pastoral care and societal approaches to dying.Open to Church leaders, clergy, chaplains, health and aged-care practitioners. Presented by Lutheran Services under the auspices of Lutheran Church of Australia, Queensland District.
Open to Church leaders, clergy, chaplains, aged-care practitioners. Run by Lutheran Services under the auspices of Lutheran Church of Australia, Queensland District.