Input Sought for Updates to By-laws and Constitution
Input Sought for Updates to By-laws and Constitution
Dear Fellow Servant of Christ,
Following the governance related resolutions passed at the Convention of Synod in Highfields 2022, the LCAQD is reviewing and seeking to update its Constitution & By-laws and also beginning developing the Lutheran Services and Lutheran Education Queensland Constitutions.
Given this significant governance change we are asking for the input of all valued stakeholders and members within the LCAQD and have developed a short survey to capture your responses.
Please find the survey here: Please note that the survey is open until 10/05/2023 and all responses are anonymous.
We appreciate you taking the time to input into this important process.
Thanks & Regards,
Rev. Ben Hentschke
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT By-laws, Constitutions, Governance Change Program, LCAQD Synod 2023, Synod